Site Clean Up
From 1915 until 2002 the site was used first as a refinery (until 1950) and later as a crude oil storage and transfer facility. Those operations led to soil and groundwater contamination which require environmental cleanup, also known as remediation. The property is currently being cleaned up under the direction of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) working in concert with Chevron and a number of other government agencies. A human health risk assessment (HHRA) found that the site poses no threat to nearby residents under current conditions. An ecological risk assessment was also undertaken to determine risks to plants and animals on the site. Following extensive remediation by Chevron, the US EPA delisted the sites surface soils from the “Superfund” National Priorities List. The site is ready for beneficial reuse, and Cenergy Power is leasing the site and constructing a solar electricity generation facility. Chevron continues to manage groundwater remediation at the site.
Remediation plan documents and technical data reports are available at EPA’s website and also at the Fillmore City Hall. Below are links to additional information and materials regarding the site.
Information and Materials
- U.S. EPA Fact Sheet: Deletion of Surface Soil from Superfund List (January 2018)
- ATSDR Summary of Findings (April 2016)
- Groundwater Treatment System video (September 2015)
- Fillmore Works “By the Numbers” (May 2015)
- Oil & Refining: Part of Fillmore’s Natural and Patriotic History (February 2015)
- US EPA Fact Sheet: Groundwater Treatment System (October 2014)
- Fillmore Works Restoration Progress video (October 2014)
- Growing Up at the Fillmore Refinery (July 2014)
- US EPA video: Pacific Coast Pipeline Superfund Site Cleanup (May 2014)
- Fillmore Works Remediation Progress video (October 2013)
- PCPL Health Studies (May 2013)
- Health and Ecological Study Brochure (February 2013)
- Cancer assessments in a California community adjacent to the Pacific Coast Pipeline (PCPL) Superfund Site (February 2013)
- Community Outreach Activities